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Reach New Prospects
Reach your best prospects through any single channel or via multiple channels
With MyAcxiomPartner you can choose your target audience using the widest variety of selection options and reach them through a variety of channels, helping you find new customers faster and with a greater return on your marketing investment.
Marketing Lists
Order new consumer or business prospects using the widest variety of selection options.
New to MyAcxiomPartner? Take a test drive for consumer prospects. Go
With MyAcxiomPartner you can reach many of the same people on your list order through Facebook as well.
4INFO Mobile Advertising
Launch a mobile campaign to reach your target audience on the devices they carry with them all day.
Email Marketing
Our Digital experts help clients find new customers with a full service approach that includes:
Strategic Planning
Creative Design Services
Optimization for all Devices
A/B Testing & Refinement
Reporting & Analysis
Audience Propensities
Acxiom's Audience Propensities are a comprehensive suite of integrated scores designed to predict consumer behavior as well as product and brand affinities. Thousands of pre-built propensity model scores are available for immediate use when building a mailing list, phone list, or digital campaign through your MyAcxiomPartner account.